Tweets from the 2016 Summit

2016 LSmtn_Blue_Logo_WebI have been attending the Willow Creek Leadership Summit for over almost 13 years straight! It’s one of my favorite conferences because it brings some of the best leaders from all over the nation for two days of great inspiration and information on the topic of leadership. I always leave challenged and inspired, and it gives me the just the jolt I need to start off a new ministry season as a leader in the church.

This year was no exception! And in keeping with some of my tradition, I am posting my Top 20 tweet worthy sayings…

An organization will only ever be as healthy as the top leader wants it to be. –

God never intended for our vocations to crowd out every other dimension of our life. –

Empowering leadership is not about leading from the front. Empowering leadership is about leading alongside. – Jossy Chacko

Don’t allow earthly practicalities to cause you to lose sight of the heavenly possibilities. – Jossy Chacko

People who are workaholics tend to have a piece missing in them that they are trying to replace with work. –

There is a thin line in leadership that is very easy to pass between motivating people and manipulating people. –

People don’t want to follow someone who doesn’t care about them. –

People have uphill hopes, but they have downhill habits. The only way to break a downhill habit is to get intentional.

We allow people to put a period, where God put a comma. –

Jesus spent more time with the 12 than the 5,000. –

Pain is a gift that draws us to an area where we didn’t know there was a problem. –

At every age, at every stage, you can be fruitful. Reimagine yourself. –

A universal blind spot with “Type A” leaders is self-reflection. –

Connectedness increases your capacity. –

If it’s lonely at the top, you’re doing leadership wrong. –

Love is something you receive, as you practice the sacred risky act of being exactly who you are. –

Love is never found in the hustle. –

You manage things, you lead people. –

A leader who stops learning, stops leading. –

The American Dream is to have it all, but the Kingdom of God is about losing it all. –

What was your favorite tweetable moment?


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