Bryan Hardwick

My Son is a Tween!

According to a tween is a child between the ages of 9 and 12. When you think about it, tweens are no longer children, but they’re not quite teenagers. They’re not yet in the midst of adolescence, but approaching puberty, with increasing responsibilities and exposure to peer pressure and the like! And the thing is, I have one, and it scares me! Especially as I watch my little boy make dramatic changes in his lifestyle and conversations!

Perhaps it caught me off guard, because I don’t think I’m ready to have “the talk” with my little boy, who’s not quite so little anymore. I already miss the boy, who once woke up with the sunrise, and who now needs to be motivated to get up and get going in the morning. Yet the real hit came the other night, when Zach told us that he didn’t want his “beautiful music” played as he falls asleep anymore. What!?! Was the long-standing musical serenade of Twila Paris’ Bedtime Prayers & Lullabies really coming to an end after 10 years of peaceful worship? This couldn’t be! How could it be? Where did the last 10 years go?

Yep, the reality is, I have a tween! And like it or not, I need to face it! Deal with it! Get over it! And prepare for this new season of parenting! So I guess I better catch up on some reading and figure this one out. Amazon gift cards and prayers are appreciated!


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