Bryan Hardwick

Attitude is Everything

attitude_is_everythingAs John Maxwell once said, “Your attitude determines your altitude.” In other words, attitude is everything. In fact, our attitude can be the most important thing in determining our future. The good thing about an attitude, is that it is your choice how you wish to look at life. It is within your control at any moment in your life. So, here’s why a proper attitude matters…

  1. Attitudes Are Contagious – In 1 Cor. 15:33, Paul points out, our attitudes can either have a negative or positive impact on other people. A negative attitude only poisons the well and distracts, derails and depletes others on the team or within the organization. If you’re constantly mixing with people who talk about how lousy life is; you’ll be unconsciously thinking the same because these people form your reality. So be careful about what you allow in your head; these things unconsciously shape your worldview and eventually your attitudes toward life.
  2. You Become What You Think – Believe it or not, your tomorrow is determined by what you are thinking today. Whatever thoughts consume you about your life, will eventually be seen next week or next month or next year. Our emotions are rooted in our thinking, not the other way around. Do you really want to be a bitter, jealous and angry person six months from now? If not, start thinking differently today! I’ve never met a bitter person who was thankful. Or a thankful person who was bitter.
  3. Attitude Is Connected To Productivity – Dr. Jan Stringer from the National Business Research Institute says, “An employee with a positive attitude usually enjoys the work that they do and feels empowered and recognized for their contributions…An employee that is complacent and does not really enjoy their work, but is simply there for a paycheck usually does not produce at a high level, develops a bad attitude and generally drags a team down.”
  4. Attitude Impacts Your Physical Health – Proverbs 14:30 states, “A peaceful heart leads to a healthy body, jealousy is like cancer in the bones.” And science supports what the Bible states. In fact, ABC News reported, “Researchers found that having a positive attitude and a sense of humor could play a role in living a longer, healthier life.”
  5. Attitude Helps You Succeed – The reality is we all face challenges in life, be it a strain in working relationships, or an external challenge that is testing the survivability of your organization. But a positive attitude is always hopeful about solving problems and it allows you to persevere longer than your contemporaries. When others give up, the person with a positive attitude is forced  to be creative in order to achieve their goal. Lots of people can tell me why something isn’t working, but few can tell me how to fix it. People with a winning attitude make themselves part of the solution, instead being part of the problem. As Nick Vujucic has said, “Defeat happens only to those who refuse to try again.”


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